Let's exchange a couple of formalities. External links on this site are chosen closest to the source. In case targets weren't specific enough (mainly referring to albums) or non-existing, I chose to link to reviews or references. I may use mirrors to prevent valuable sources from disappearing. Not everything stays online forever.
I have tried my very best to get in touch with persons whose material (images) I used on this site. I was not able to obtain a reply from all of them. Since I don't earn any money with the materials borrowed and I don't cause any harm to anyone, I hope that every source is willing to give this site the benefit of their material.
If you believe nonetheless that use of this material on this site is a blatant violation of copyright and someone else getting rich by abusing your hard work, please read my financial report first and then consider getting in touch with me via the contact form.
I will reply in two weeks time. Maybe three.
Jan Riemersma